Month Over Month Comparison: Doubling Conversions

Month over Month Comparison

The Quick Turn Around


In the competitive realm of online marketing for drug rehabilitation services, achieving a positive month-over-month performance requires a strategic approach and in-depth analysis. When I took control of this Google Ads account, the objective was clear: maximize the impact of every advertising dollar while ensuring that the campaigns were effectively reaching those in need of help. Here’s a look at the transformation we achieved, the tactics implemented, and the resulting performance.


Upon stepping into this account, there were a few immediate challenges:

Low Interaction Rate: Previous campaigns were struggling to drive meaningful engagement, with a below-average interaction rate.

Cost Inefficiencies: The average CPC (Cost Per Click) was higher than desired, impacting the overall budget efficiency.

Zero Conversions: Despite significant spend, there were campaigns that had not generated any conversions, indicating a need for a strategic overhaul.


1. Improve the overall interaction rate and engagement with ads.

2. Reduce the average CPC to ensure a more efficient use of the ad budget.

3. Drive conversions by focusing on high-intent keywords and optimizing ad placements.

Strategy & Execution

Here are the tactics I employed to turn around the performance of the account:

1. Campaign Restructuring: The first step was to audit the existing campaigns and identify underperforming elements. I paused the campaigns that were driving impressions but yielding no clicks or conversions, allowing the budget to focus on high-performing segments.

2. Enhanced Keyword Targeting: By refining the keyword strategy, I focused on high-intent search terms, particularly targeting those actively seeking help for drug and alcohol addiction. This allowed us to attract users more likely to convert.

3. Optimized Bidding Strategy: I transitioned the account to a “Maximize Clicks” bidding strategy while closely monitoring CPC trends. This helped in driving more clicks within the same budget, allowing for greater reach while gradually optimizing for conversion-driving keywords.

4. Ad Copy Optimization: A key focus was crafting ad copy that spoke directly to the pain points of those struggling with addiction. Using language that emphasized immediate support and confidentiality, we were able to improve the overall click-through rate (CTR).

5. Geotargeting & Ad Scheduling: Given the nature of the service, I adjusted the geotargeting settings to focus on regions with a higher demand for drug rehabilitation services. Additionally, ad scheduling was optimized to ensure ads were shown during peak hours when potential clients were most likely to reach out.


After implementing these changes, the results were clear:

Impression Growth: The campaigns saw a month-over-month increase in impressions, with a total of 68,142 impressions—a 64.38% rise. This was a result of better keyword targeting and an improved quality score.

Higher Engagement: The interaction rate improved significantly to 3.10%, indicating that more users found the ads relevant and clicked through to learn more. This uptick in engagement translated into 2,109 clicks, which was a major increase from the previous period.

Cost Efficiency: Despite the growth in clicks, the average CPC remained manageable at $7.79, reflecting a 41.57% increase. However, this was balanced by the greater volume of clicks and better targeting. By controlling costs while increasing engagement, the overall budget was utilized more effectively.

Conversion Spike: Most notably, conversions jumped by 166.67%, with a total of 80 conversions recorded. This demonstrates the impact of the targeted approach and the effectiveness of optimized ad placement and messaging.

Cost Per Conversion Reduction: With a cost per conversion of $205.28, we achieved a 12.73% reduction compared to the previous period. This improvement was crucial in delivering a higher return on ad spend (ROAS).


This transformation showcases the impact of a strategic approach to paid search advertising. By focusing on targeted keyword strategies, refining ad copy, and leveraging data-driven insights for bidding and scheduling, we were able to maximize the value of each dollar spent.

For rehabilitation services, where connecting with the right audience is essential, these improvements not only drove better engagement but also provided the opportunity to help more individuals in need. With continuous optimization, this account is now well-positioned for sustained growth and success.