Skate to Where the Puck is Going

Wayne Gretzky

He used this analogy to describe his approach to the game, emphasizing the importance of anticipation and forward-thinking.

PMax and Machine Learning

PMax and broad match are all based on Google trying to take more control in a "we know best" kind of manner. The emphasis is to make it easier on the advertiser to maximize the return with as little effort as possible. I believe we will see this more and more as we move along. Google will continue to take away controls and desire to do it alone. So what do you do, as the marketer going forward?

Accept It

I think Google Ad experts need to accept that the platform is not yours, but Google's. They get to do what makes them the most money and keeps clients around for as long as possible. It's almost as if they operate in a capitalist society. But accepting it is the understanding that what is working today will not next year. Maybe even 6 months from now. To accept it means you can believe and then move forward with your plan to adopt.

Become a Master at More Levers

Google is still allowing access to some old levers that many do not pull anymore. Negative keywords and content suitability are two that get overlooked quite a bit. You don't see it mentioned in audits either. Go beyond audience and demographic optimization and look for all the other options you have and test those.

First party data is also where you can win. Do not just give Google what it is asking, but look ahead. Break up your funnel to as many pieces as possible, and as many steps as possible. You may see that you can do CPA on many steps in the funnel and get different results. It's Machine Learning, not the perfect machine. Play with your data and how well Google utilizes it. Along with that, work to make your data going in as clean as it can be as well as your feedback to Google. Mess the with API and figure out what cadence you need with your backend so that you and the platform are growing in intelligence. Example: if you see in the data that people on android do better for LTV than iPhone users, make distinct audiences around that and set your bidding accordingly. Many will do conversions as a whole, but will not take the time to dissect it. Be better for yourself so that Google can be better for you.

Set Your Course

In conclusion, the landscape of Google Ads is continually evolving, with machine learning and automation playing increasingly prominent roles. As marketers, our success hinges on our ability to adapt and innovate within this changing environment. By accepting these changes, mastering the remaining levers of control, and leveraging our unique insights and first-party data, we can stay ahead of the curve. The future of Google Ads may be increasingly automated, but there's still ample room for human expertise and strategic thinking. Our role is shifting from manual optimizers to strategic directors, guiding these powerful tools to achieve the best possible outcomes for our clients. As we move forward, those who can blend adaptability, creativity, and data-driven decision-making will be best positioned to thrive in this new era of digital advertising.